June 14, 2011

List of quests for levels 1 to 10

Last updated: Dec 17, 2017

Level 1 Exp Required: 10 Exp Available: 100 (1000%)
  Min Lvl Max Lvl Exp Money Fame
Road to Victory! 1 150 100 100 0
Level 2 Exp Required: 30 Exp Available: 30 (100%)
  Min Lvl Max Lvl Exp Money Fame
Master Zach 2 5 30 63 0
Level 3 Exp Required: 60 Exp Available: 80 (133%)
  Min Lvl Max Lvl Exp Money Fame
Mischievous Monsters 3 5 30 66 0
Let's use a skill 3 5 50 60 0
First Task. 3 120 0 0 0
Level 4 Exp Required: 100 Exp Available: 1 (1%)
  Min Lvl Max Lvl Exp Money Fame
The alliance needs us! 4 4 1 1 0
Level 5 Exp Required: 150 Exp Available: 226 (151%)
  Min Lvl Max Lvl Exp Money Fame
Have you heard about the Quest alert? 5 120 10 60 0
Mushroom Assault 5 5 108 90 0
Delinquent Imps 5 5 108 103 0
Level 6 Exp Required: 210 Exp Available: 210 (100%)
  Min Lvl Max Lvl Exp Money Fame
Auto find system 6 120 10 60 0
Town Chief Roumenus's alert 6 7 20 60 0
Item Merchant Pey 6 7 20 60 0
Healer Julia 6 7 20 60 0
Skill Master Ruby 6 7 20 60 0
Blacksmith James 6 7 20 60 0
Fire Mushrooms disturbing delivery of materials 6 7 100 100 0
Level 7 Exp Required: 280 Exp Available: 1.202 (429%)
  Min Lvl Max Lvl Exp Money Fame
Imp Leader 7 10 100 124 0
King Slime Kingdom 1 7 16 299 126 0
King Slime Kingdom 2 7 16 299 126 0
King Slime Kingdom 3 7 16 306 270 0
Holy Promise 7 15 0 300 0
Crab Claws 7 10 66 104 0
Slow Slime 7 10 132 103 0
We can do anything together! 7 135 0 0 700
Essential gift 7 9 0 8.500 0
Level 8 Exp Required: 360 Exp Available: 517 (144%)
  Min Lvl Max Lvl Exp Money Fame
Vanashing Townsmen 8 12 17 112 0
Beat Speedy Honeyings 8 11 200 80 0
Blue Crab Dish 8 12 300 126 0
Guild Academy 8 15 0 300 0
Level 10 Exp Required: 700 Exp Available: 1.049 (150%)
  Min Lvl Max Lvl Exp Money Fame
The Honey Jar Thieves 10 14 233 166 0
Despicable Little Ones 10 13 208 88 0
Party Matching System 10 15 0 300 0
The Missing Livestock 10 13 233 164 0
Is this Estate Enough for You? 10 150 60 82 0
Is this Estate Enough for You? 2 10 150 60 82 0
Is this Estate Enough for You? 3 10 150 15 82 0
Is this Estate Enough for You? 4 10 150 60 82 0
Is this Estate Enough for You? 5 10 150 60 82 0
Is this Estate Enough for You? 6 10 150 60 82 0
Is this Estate Enough for You? 7 10 150 60 80 0

Level 1

Road to Victory!
Description The first ski tournament of Isya is now in progress! Only those who cross the finish line before time runs out are eligible to receive rewards. But who will be the lucky winner?
Starting level 1 Last level 150
Quest type Daily Repeatable no
Starting NPC Winterming, Jr. Rewarding NPC Winterming, Jr.
Fixed rewards 100 Exp
100 Money
1 Commemorative Christmas Coin
Optional rewards  
Start dialog Winterming, Jr.: unknown
You: unknown
Winterming, Jr.: unknown
You: unknown
Winterming, Jr.: unknown
You: unknown
Winterming, Jr.: unknown
You: unknown
Winterming, Jr.: unknown
Reward dialog Winterming, Jr.: unknown
You: unknown
Winterming, Jr.: unknown

Level 2

Master Zach
Description Weapon Title Merchant Zach of Roumen asks you to defeat Slimes. (Search outside Roumen, Forest of Tides, and Sand Beach)
Starting level 2 Last level 5
Quest type Normal Repeatable no
Starting NPC Weapon Title Merchant Zach Rewarding NPC Weapon Title Merchant Zach
Mobs 5 Slime
Fixed rewards 30 Exp
63 Money
1 Return Scroll: Roumen
Optional rewards 1 Leather Boots
1 Litany Boots
1 Trivial Boots
1 Novice Boots
1 Reo Boots
Start dialog Weapon Title Merchant Zach: Who are you? I haven't seen you before. What do you want? I'm kind of busy right now. Wait! you seem to have some spare time. Why don't you make yourself useful and slay Slimes that are plaguing the town? Of course, I'll make it worth your while. What do you say?
Reward dialog You: Zach! I got'em all!
Weapon Title Merchant Zach: Good job! Wait a minute, did you just call me by name? You should call me "Master"! Since you've successfully finished your task, I'll give you the honor of being my pupil.

Level 3

Mischievous Monsters
Description Blacksmith James of Roumen asks you to defeat Mushrooms. (Search Forest of Tides and Sand Beach)
Starting level 3 Last level 5
Quest type Normal Repeatable no
Starting NPC Blacksmith James Rewarding NPC Blacksmith James
Mobs 5 Mushroom
Fixed rewards 30 Exp
66 Money
Optional rewards 1 Leather Helmet
1 Litany Helmet
1 Trivial Hat
1 Novice Hat
1 Reo Hood
Start dialog Blacksmith James: Those infernal monsters are just crossing the line. No one in this town will volunteer to get rid of them. I'm a bit tied up to venture out myself.
You: Hello, my name is [NAME]. You seem to have something bothering you. What is it?
Blacksmith James: You seem like a brave adventurer. I've got a favor to ask you. Do you know of Mushroom? They are quite fast and smart. Well, they injured Grandpa Robin. Could you defeat of them? Roumen will be eternally grateful for your service. What do you think? Do you think you can handle it?
Reward dialog You: James! I got'em all!
Blacksmith James: Oh! Really? I know that wasn't an easy task. Impressive! Here! Please take this as my token of my appreciation!

Let's use a skill
Description Skill Master Ruby of Roumen asks you to defeat Mandragora. (Search Forest of Tides)
Starting level 3 Last level 5
Quest type Normal Repeatable no
Starting NPC Skill Master Ruby Rewarding NPC Skill Master Ruby
Mobs 5 Mandragora
Fixed rewards 50 Exp
60 Money
Optional rewards  
Start dialog Skill Master Ruby: unknown
You: unknown
Skill Master Ruby: unknown
You: unknown
Skill Master Ruby: unknown
You: unknown
Skill Master Ruby: unknown
Reward dialog Skill Master Ruby: unknown
You: unknown
Skill Master Ruby: unknown
You: unknown
Skill Master Ruby: unknown
You: unknown

First Task.
Description Stone Merchant Sera said she saw something near the first gate. What is going on over there? Talk to Sera.
Starting level 3 Last level 120
Quest type Normal Repeatable no
Starting NPC Healer Sera Rewarding NPC Healer Sera
Mobs 3 Slime
Fixed rewards 5 HP Potion (Tier 1)
5 SP Potion (Tier 1)
Optional rewards  
Start dialog Healer Sera: I'm sure I saw something. Weird.
You: Hello! I'm an adventurer and came here to investigate the strange gate at the village. I heard you saw something?
Healer Sera: Yes, I saw something come out of the gate. Like, it jumped right out. I don't know what it was, but I definitely saw something!
You: Maybe a monster?
Healer Sera: I'm not sure, but I know that I saw something. Please go and take a closer look! If there really is a monster, you'll make sure to kill it, right? Please be careful.
Reward dialog Healer Sera: There was something at the gate, wasn't there?
You: Yes, you were right, Sera. Some monsters came through the gate. After I killed them all, the gate suddenly disappeared. I don't know what that means, though.
Healer Sera: Oh, my! Really? I'm so glad to hear that! We only have to close the second gate as well, and the village should be safe again.

Level 4

The alliance needs us!
Description The alliance needs us to defend Isya from Pagel's army! Defeat his guards and free our soldiers.
Starting level 4 Last level 4
Quest type Normal Repeatable no
Starting NPC Adjutant Ezra Rewarding NPC Adjutant Ezra
Mobs 3 Pagel's Soldier
3 Cage
Fixed rewards 1 Exp
1 Money
Optional rewards  
Start dialog Adjutant Ezra: Hmm...
You: This is only the beginning, isn't it?
Adjutant Ezra: (Not exactly) Yes, that's true.!!
You: We should take more of the Secret Society down. Please hang in there.
Reward dialog Adjutant Ezra: I'll do my best until this is over.
Adjutant Ezra: Was it easy this time as well?

Level 5

Have you heard about the Quest alert?
Description Skill Master Ruby wants to tell you about the quest alert system. Let's talk to her.
Starting level 5 Last level 120
Quest type Normal Repeatable no
Prerequisite Let's use a skill
Starting NPC Skill Master Ruby Rewarding NPC Skill Master Ruby
Fixed rewards 10 Exp
60 Money
Optional rewards  
Start dialog Skill Master Ruby: unknown
You: unknown
Skill Master Ruby: unknown
You: unknown
Skill Master Ruby: unknown
You: unknown
Skill Master Ruby: unknown
You: unknown
Skill Master Ruby: unknown
Skill Master Ruby: unknown
Reward dialog  

Mushroom Assault
Description Item Merchant Pey of Roumen asks you to defeat Fire Mushrooms that assaulted her. (Search Forest of Tides)
Starting level 5 Last level 5
Quest type Normal Repeatable no
Prerequisite Have you heard about the Quest alert?
Starting NPC Item Merchant Pey Rewarding NPC Item Merchant Pey
Mobs 8 Fire Mushroom
Fixed rewards 108 Exp
90 Money
Optional rewards 1 Leather Pants
1 Litany Pants
1 Trivial Pants
1 Novice Pants
1 Reo Pants
Start dialog Item Merchant Pey: Oh My Gosh!
You: What's the matter? You startled me.
Item Merchant Pey: I'm sorry. I've been a bit jumpy since I was assaulted yesterday. I lost everything I had. I was attacked by Fire Mushrooms. [NAME], could you teach them a lesson for me? Defeat Fire Mushrooms and I can feel safer tonight.
Reward dialog You: Pey! You don't have to worry anymore. I've defeated all of them!
Item Merchant Pey: Thank you so much! I'll feel a lot safer from now on!

Delinquent Imps
Description Storage Keeper Raina of Roumen asks you to defeat Imps that ruined her cousin's wedding. (Search Forest of Tides)
Starting level 5 Last level 5
Quest type Normal Repeatable no
Prerequisite Have you heard about the Quest alert?
Starting NPC Storage Keeper Raina Rewarding NPC Storage Keeper Raina
Mobs 5 Imp
Fixed rewards 108 Exp
103 Money
Optional rewards 1 Leather Shirt
1 Litany Armor
1 Trivial Shirt
1 Novice Shirt
1 Mario Armor
Start dialog Storage Keeper Raina: Why those little! When I get my hands on them, I'll beat them to death!
You: Miss Raina, why are you so upset? Is everything alright?
Storage Keeper Raina: I'm not in a good mood. A couple of days ago at my cousin Barbia's wedding, a few Bored Imps crashed the ceremony and destroyed the decorations and tore her wedding dress.
You: They ripped her wedding dress?
Storage Keeper Raina: Yes! They must pay! [NAME], please defeat Imps for me!
Reward dialog You: I'm back. That was easy!
Storage Keeper Raina: Thank you! You don't know how much this means to me!

Level 6

Auto find system
Description Town Chief Roumenus teaches you about the auto move system. Let's go and find him.
Starting level 6 Last level 120
Quest type Normal Repeatable no
Prerequisite Have you heard about the Quest alert?
Starting NPC Town Chief Roumenus Rewarding NPC Town Chief Roumenus
Fixed rewards 10 Exp
60 Money
Optional rewards  
Start dialog Town Chief Roumenus: unknown
You: unknown
Town Chief Roumenus: unknown
You: unknown
Town Chief Roumenus: Cranky Giant Honeying 1
You: Guard Captain Shutian of Elderine asks you to defeat Dirty Mushrooms, Hungry Boogies, Madness Ratmen, and Crazy Foxes. (Kingdom Quest) [LINE]
Reward dialog  

Town Chief Roumenus's alert
Description Town Chief Roumenus of Roumen needs help. Let's go to him.
Starting level 6 Last level 7
Quest type Epic Repeatable no
Prerequisite First Task.
Starting NPC Town Chief Roumenus Rewarding NPC Town Chief Roumenus
Fixed rewards 20 Exp
60 Money
Optional rewards  
Start dialog Town Chief Roumenus: I know you can do it. Use those 3 keys he gave you, and defeat Gordon Master once and for all!
Town Chief Roumenus: I did it! Gordon Master is gone once and for all!
Town Chief Roumenus: You truly are the chosen one. I knew you can do it.
You: Only the one with keys are able to see him.
Reward dialog Town Chief Roumenus: unknown
You: unknown
Town Chief Roumenus: unknown
Town Chief Roumenus: unknown

Item Merchant Pey
Description Item Merchant Pey. Let's go to her.
Starting level 6 Last level 7
Quest type Epic Repeatable no
Prerequisite Town Chief Roumenus's alert
Starting NPC Town Chief Roumenus Rewarding NPC Item Merchant Pey
Fixed rewards 20 Exp
60 Money
Optional rewards  
Start dialog Town Chief Roumenus: unknown
Town Chief Roumenus: unknown
You: unknown
Town Chief Roumenus: unknown
Reward dialog You: unknown
Item Merchant Pey: unknown

Healer Julia
Description Healer Julia. Let's go meet her.
Starting level 6 Last level 7
Quest type Epic Repeatable no
Prerequisite Item Merchant Pey
Starting NPC Item Merchant Pey Rewarding NPC Healer Julia
Fixed rewards 20 Exp
60 Money
Optional rewards  
Start dialog Item Merchant Pey: unknown
You: unknown
Item Merchant Pey: unknown
You: unknown
Item Merchant Pey: unknown
Reward dialog You: unknown
Healer Julia: unknown
You: unknown

Skill Master Ruby
Description Skill Master Ruby. Let's go meet her.
Starting level 6 Last level 7
Quest type Epic Repeatable no
Prerequisite Healer Julia
Starting NPC Healer Julia Rewarding NPC Skill Master Ruby
Fixed rewards 20 Exp
60 Money
Optional rewards  
Start dialog Healer Julia: unknown
You: unknown
Healer Julia: unknown
Reward dialog You: unknown
Skill Master Ruby: unknown

Blacksmith James
Description Blacksmith James. Let's go meet him.
Starting level 6 Last level 7
Quest type Epic Repeatable no
Prerequisite Skill Master Ruby
Starting NPC Skill Master Ruby Rewarding NPC Blacksmith James
Fixed rewards 20 Exp
60 Money
Optional rewards  
Start dialog Skill Master Ruby: unknown
You: unknown
Skill Master Ruby: unknown
Reward dialog You: unknown
Blacksmith James: unknown

Fire Mushrooms disturbing delivery of materials
Description Blacksmith James is worried that Fire Mushrooms are disturbing the delivery of materials needed to make an item.. Let's talk to him. (Search Forest of Tides and Sand Beach)
Starting level 6 Last level 7
Quest type Epic Repeatable no
Prerequisite Blacksmith James
Starting NPC Blacksmith James Rewarding NPC Blacksmith James
Mobs 5 Fire Mushroom
Fixed rewards 100 Exp
100 Money
Optional rewards  
Start dialog Blacksmith James: unknown
You: unknown
Blacksmith James: unknown
Blacksmith James: unknown
Reward dialog You: unknown
Blacksmith James: unknown

Level 7

Imp Leader
Description Blacksmith James of Roumen asks you to defeat Bored Imps and Gang Imp. (Search Forest of Tides)
Starting level 7 Last level 10
Quest type Promotion Repeatable no
Starting NPC Blacksmith James Rewarding NPC Blacksmith James
Mobs 1 Gang Imp
2 Bored Imp
Fixed rewards 100 Exp
124 Money
1 One Handed Sword Mastery [01]
Optional rewards  
Start dialog Blacksmith James: Hey! [NAME]!
You: What is it James? Is everything alright?
Blacksmith James: Did you hear the news? Gang Imps are the ones who told the Bored Imps to ruin Barbia's Wedding.
You: Really? Is that so?
Blacksmith James: Yeah, apparently Bored Imps idolize Gang Imps, and practically follow everything they say. [NAME], if you can defeat Gang Imp, they should stop.
Reward dialog You: James! I defeated those Gamg Imp and Bored Imps!
Blacksmith James: You got them all by yourself? I don't belive it! I'm sure they won't ruin any other weddings again.

King Slime Kingdom 1
Description Town Chief Roumenus of Roumen asks you to defeat Brave Honeyings, Ratman Fighters, and Warrior Boars (You must participate in King Slime's Counterattack Kingdom Quest)
Starting level 7 Last level 16
Quest type Normal Repeatable no
Starting NPC Town Chief Roumenus Rewarding NPC Town Chief Roumenus
Mobs 5 Brave Honeying
2 Ratman
2 Warrior Boar
Fixed rewards 299 Exp
126 Money
Optional rewards  
Start dialog Town Chief Roumenus: Oh, there you are!!
You: What is it Town Chief Rumenous? I came here as soon as I heard you were looking for me.
Town Chief Roumenus: Yes! It's an urgent matter. Those dreadful things finally revealed its plans.
You: Dreadful beings?
Town Chief Roumenus: Slimes! Who else?
You: Ah, I see...
Town Chief Roumenus: I knew they were up to no good. We let them build their own kingdom, because they told us that they would like to live in peace. They continued to let hidden monsters out! We could've been in big trouble. I need you to destroy their kingdom and defeat Brave Honeyings, Fighter Ratmans, and Warrior Boars.
Reward dialog You: I'm back They sure were relentless.
Town Chief Roumenus: I knew you can do it! Good job!

King Slime Kingdom 2
Description Town Chief Roumenus of Roumen asks you to defeat Iron Slimes, Silver Slimes, and Gold Slimes. (You must participate in King Slime's Counterattack Kingdom Quest)
Starting level 7 Last level 16
Quest type Normal Repeatable no
Prerequisite King Slime Kingdom 1
Starting NPC Town Chief Roumenus Rewarding NPC Town Chief Roumenus
Mobs 5 Silver Slime
5 Gold Slime
Fixed rewards 299 Exp
126 Money
Optional rewards  
Start dialog Town Chief Roumenus: I have a bigger mission for you.
You: Bigger mission? I'm not sure if I can handle that. I am just starting out you know.
Town Chief Roumenus: That's why there is Kingdom Quest. Begginers are welcome.
You: Because multiple adventurers can fight together right?
Town Chief Roumenus: That's right. Teamwork! No obstacles stand in a way, when there is teamwork involved. Only through groups of adventurers like yourselves, King Slime can be stopped. Alright then here's your mission. Defeat Iron Slimes], Silver Slimes, and Gold Slimes.
Reward dialog You: That was difficult! I'm back!
Town Chief Roumenus: Of course! Greatness takes efforts don't you think?

King Slime Kingdom 3
Description Town Chief Roumenus of Roumen asks you to defeat Queen Slime and King Silme. (You must participate in King Slime's Counterattack Kingdom Quest)
Starting level 7 Last level 16
Quest type Normal Repeatable no
Prerequisite King Slime Kingdom 2
Starting NPC Town Chief Roumenus Rewarding NPC Town Chief Roumenus
Mobs 1 Queen Slime
1 King Slime
Fixed rewards 306 Exp
270 Money
5 Double Capacity Extender(50%)
Optional rewards  
Start dialog Town Chief Roumenus: Hey!I got it!
You: Huh? About what?
Town Chief Roumenus: About slimes! I know why they are multiplying so fast!
You: Really? What is it?
Town Chief Roumenus: King Slime and Queen Slime are producing Slimes faster then their natural birth from mud. I need you to defeat them!
Reward dialog You: I'm back.
Town Chief Roumenus: Are you okay? Good Job! Why don't you take some rest? Today is the day to celebrate! S

Holy Promise
Description Grandpa Robin will teach you about the Holy Promise. Let's hear what he have to say.
Starting level 7 Last level 15
Quest type Epic Repeatable no
Starting NPC Grandpa Robin Rewarding NPC Grandpa Robin
Fixed rewards 300 Money
Optional rewards  
Start dialog Grandpa Robin: Ahem! Hey! Come over here, would you?
You: Ehhh... Are you talking to me?
Grandpa Robin: Yeah, you. Over here. Yes, yes... Oh! Adventurer huh? Looking like a pro already, nice! I still remember the day you were wet behind the ears... Ahem!
You: Really? Oh thanks Grandpa Robin. Oh! By the way, what's up? What's that paper in your hand?
Grandpa Robin: Huh? Oh this? Ahem! It's a note... Well, listen up alright? (Robin glances at the note and reads it off) Do you know what Holy Promise is? It's a great promise between adventurers. It's a system that benefits both novice and experienced by giving the novice more powerful items, and monetary profits for experienced users.
You: Holy promise?
Grandpa Robin: That's right. Ahem... Don't tell me that you didn't know about it! Roles of the holy promise system are divided into apprentice and master. Experienced adventurers may acquire many apprentices, and apprentice can select one master in order to help each other. Masters will benefit more from this union, when they acquire more apprentices. I believe they can acquire up to20 apprentices. Of course apprentices will gain a lot from this union as they'll receive great prizes when they reach levels 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60 while registered as an apprentice. However, one must remember that in order to stay in a Holy Promise relationship, the level differences between master and apprentice must exceed at least 5 levels. If their levels are within 4 levels, their Holy Promise contract will be broken. You got... all that right? Ahem! What's with that stupid blank stare?!
You: Huh...? Wha...? Ah, yeah! I got it! Really, I did!
Grandpa Robin: Ahem! You sure about that? Well... Since you insist that you did, then good. If you didn't get it, don't you press that 'Complete the Quest' button you hear?! Ahem! Sometimes I'm not really sure that you get all of what I tell you... Huh? Wait a minute... What are you doing here by the way? What the...!? Did you eat my sweet potatoes? Give me back my sweet potatoes! Why you little! Fork it over! My sweet potatoes!!!
Reward dialog  

Crab Claws
Description Item Merchant Pey of Roumen asks you to collect Crab Claws to use as clothespins. (Search the Forest of Tides)
Starting level 7 Last level 10
Quest type Normal Repeatable no
Prerequisite Holy Promise
Starting NPC Item Merchant Pey Rewarding NPC Item Merchant Pey
Items 8 Crab's Pincers
Fixed rewards 66 Exp
104 Money
1 Return Scroll: Roumen
Optional rewards 1 Magical Defense (Tier 1)
1 Shield Increase (Tier 1)
Start dialog Item Merchant Pey: Oh my! Roumen's sea breeze sure is strong. My laundry blows away just as soon as I hang it out to dry.
You: Your laundry flies away? Does it have wings?
Item Merchant Pey: Who are you and where did you come from?
You: I am [NAME], a new adventurer to this area.
Item Merchant Pey: I don't like eavesdroppers. If you do that again, I'll have to discipline you! [NAME], well nice to meet you. Sorry about my temper. I am Item Merchant Pey of Roumen. I'm still a bit upset about losing my laundry every time I hang it out to dry.
You: It won't happen if you clip them to the line with clothespins.
Item Merchant Pey: It would help if I had some. Actually, if you go to Sand Beach, there are many crabs. I could use their claws as clothespins. Since I need clothespins, can you catch Crabs for me?
Reward dialog You: Here are your Crab Claws.
Item Merchant Pey: Wow that was quick! Crabs Claws! Thank you very much!
You: My pleasure.
Item Merchant Pey: Thank You. Now I won't have to worry about my laundry flying away. You've been such a great help!

Slow Slime
Description Storage Keeper Raina of Roumen asks you to defeat Slow slimes. (Search Sand Beach or Forest of Tides)
Starting level 7 Last level 10
Quest type Normal Repeatable no
Prerequisite Holy Promise
Starting NPC Storage Keeper Raina Rewarding NPC Storage Keeper Raina
Mobs 5 Slow Slime
Fixed rewards 132 Exp
103 Money
Optional rewards  
Start dialog Storage Keeper Raina: Those filthy Slow Slimes!
You: Slow Slime?
Storage Keeper Raina: There's a monster called Slow Slime. Everywhere they go, the leave muddy trails of slime! It's disgusting and I'm sick of cleaning it up! [NAME], could you please defeat Slow Slimes for me?
Reward dialog You: I've defeated the Slow Slimes for you Raina!
Storage Keeper Raina: Thank you [NAME]. Hopefully there will be less mud trails from now on.

We can do anything together!
Description Guard Captain Shutian gives special opportunities to adventurers who want to experience unforgettable adventures with friends. What would the opportunities be? (Daily Quest) * [Hidden Mine] Kingdom Quest and PvP Kingdom Quest are not checked as daily quest counts.
Starting level 7 Last level 135
Quest type Daily Repeatable no
Starting NPC Guard Captain Shutian Rewarding NPC Guard Captain Shutian
Mobs 1 Kingdom Quest Clear
Fixed rewards 700 Fame
Optional rewards  
Start dialog Guard Captain Shutian: Hey, are you bored?
You: Is there anything fun to do?
Guard Captain Shutian: Of course. Do you have reliable colleagues?
You: Of course. Why do you ask?
Guard Captain Shutian: I am not asking you because I don't have reliable colleagues, but you can overcome any hardship with friends by your side!
Guard Captain Shutian: Go with your reliable friends to challenge yourselves with a Kingdom Quest! I don't know where you should go or whom you should fight though. Ha ha ha! Good luck!
Reward dialog Guard Captain Shutian: Hey, you are back safe. I can see your fame go up! See you tomorrow!

Essential gift
Description Once you become Lv. 10, Roumen town chief, Roumenous promised an essential gift for the journey. You must visit the item merchant, Pey after you reach Lv. 10.
Starting level 7 Last level 9
Quest type Normal Repeatable no
Starting NPC Town Chief Roumenus Rewarding NPC Item Merchant Pey
Fixed rewards 1 Hobby Horse (7 Days)
8500 Money
Optional rewards  
Start dialog You: Hello chief! Oh I'm beat... could I rest here for a bit? My legs are killing me.
Town Chief Roumenus: Sure, of course... Legs bothering you, huh? I don't blame you. I mean, walking around such a big land... Have you heard of "Movers"? I guess you're not ready to ride those yet, huh?
You: Yeah, I've heard you have to be at least Lv. 20 to ride one of those. I'm just not there yet...
Town Chief Roumenus: I see... You know, I'll give you a special gift. Interested? When you get to Lv. 10, why don't you go see Pey.
Reward dialog You: Excuse me Miss Pey! Chief Roumenous told me to visit you when I become Lv. 10.
Item Merchant Pey: Oh it's you! Chief Roumenous told me to take care of this special adventurer. I didn't know it was you. Here, try this on. It's a great mover, so take a good care of it. Don't forget to buy a better mover when you get to Lv. 20 though, okay?

Level 8

Vanashing Townsmen
Description Town Chief Roumenus of Roumen has asked you to defeat the Rookie Skeletons that have been abducting the townsmen. Rookie Skeletons can be found at the entrance in Echo Cave. (Search the Forest of Tides for Roumen Miner Royquin or search Sand Beach for Roumen Miner Palmer for the entrance to Echo Cave)
Starting level 8 Last level 12
Quest type Epic Repeatable no
Starting NPC Town Chief Roumenus Rewarding NPC Town Chief Roumenus
Mobs 1 Rookie Skeleton
Fixed rewards 17 Exp
112 Money
1 HP Potion (Tier 1)
Optional rewards 1 Long Sword
1 Long Mace
1 Long Bow
1 Long Staff
1 Bono Claws
Start dialog Town Chief Roumenus: Oh no!
You: What is it Roumenus?
Town Chief Roumenus: [NAME], is that you? I'm glad you came by. A Rookie Skeleton snuck into Roumen yesterday morning and began to snatch everything and everyone in sight! They even stole our livestock! We discovered that they are hiding inside Echo Cave.
You: Echo Cave?
Town Chief Roumenus: Yes, Echo Cave. It's a well-known area for mining valuable ores. It's quite dangerous to go alone. Although it might not be such a big deal for a brave soul like you. Defeat Rookie Skeleton and rescue the townsmen! Be careful though, you must be level 6 or higher to stand a chance!
Reward dialog Town Chief Roumenus: Thank you for restoring peace back into our town. From now on, you will be known as a local hero! Bravo! Bravo!
You: Thank you, but I was just doing my duty.

Beat Speedy Honeyings
Description Grandpa Robin of Roumen asks you to defeat Speedy Honeyings. (Search Forest of Tides or Sand Beach)
Starting level 8 Last level 11
Quest type Normal Repeatable no
Starting NPC Grandpa Robin Rewarding NPC Grandpa Robin
Mobs 5 Speedy Honeying
Fixed rewards 200 Exp
80 Money
2 Vitality (Tier 1)
Optional rewards  
Start dialog Grandpa Robin: Go defeat Speedy Honeyings. NO QUESTIONS ASKED!
Reward dialog You: I've defeated Speedy Honeyings.
Grandpa Robin: Wow that was fast! Here's a small reward for your achievement.

Blue Crab Dish
Description Ancient Templar Maria of Roumen asks you to collect Blue Crab Meat for the Town Feast. (Search Sand Beach. You can obtain Blue Crab Meat by defeating Blue Crabs)
Starting level 8 Last level 12
Quest type Normal Repeatable no
Starting NPC Ancient Templar Maria Rewarding NPC Ancient Templar Maria
Items 6 Blue Crab Meat
Fixed rewards 300 Exp
126 Money
1 Return Scroll: Roumen
Optional rewards  
Start dialog Ancient Templar Maria: This is such a happy occasion! Roumen's Town Festival is coming soon!
You: Yay! A festival!
Ancient Templar Maria: I need to prepare a dish for the festival. I'm thinking about making Blue Crab Stew! Oh no what do I do? I have no crab to prepare the dish!. [NAME], could you collect Blue Crab Meat for me?
Reward dialog You: Maria! I've got the Blue Crab Meat you've requested!

Guild Academy
Description Roumen town chief Roumenous will teach you about the Guild Academy. Let's learn about the Guild Academy.
Starting level 8 Last level 15
Quest type Epic Repeatable no
Starting NPC Town Chief Roumenus Rewarding NPC Town Chief Roumenus
Fixed rewards 300 Money
Optional rewards  
Start dialog Town Chief Roumenus: Oh! [NAME]. It's bee awhile. So, how's your adventure going?
You: Whew... Well, I suppose it's going... But... It isn't easy... Leveling up and earning money... All of those are really hard you know... I sometimes question my progress and abilities...
Town Chief Roumenus: Oh no! It must be daunting out there to hear such words from you. Hmph... Maybe you could benefit from your peer's help. I know just the cure! You can join a Guild Academy!
You: Guild... Academy?
Town Chief Roumenus: Yes, that's right! Guild Academy is open to those who are under Level 60. You can only join when the guild is recruiting a new member. The procedure is very similar to those of joining a guild. As a member of Guild Academy, you'll receive buffs for every level up, and receive a reward based on the Guild Master's discretion. Not only that, you'll have entire Guild Academy members' support for any questions that you might have had. What do you think? That'll probably help you out right?
You: Yeah, sounds like it. That sounds like a really good system! Thank you Roumenus!
Town Chief Roumenus: Whahahaha! No sweat! Now cheer up and go seek a Guild Academy that suits you!
Reward dialog  

Level 10

The Honey Jar Thieves
Description Storage Keeper Raina of Roumen asks you to defeat Honeyings and collect lost Honey Jars. (Search Sand Beach)
Starting level 10 Last level 14
Quest type Normal Repeatable no
Starting NPC Storage Keeper Raina Rewarding NPC Storage Keeper Raina
Mobs 3 Honeying
Items 2 Raina's honey bottle
Fixed rewards 233 Exp
166 Money
1 Elrue [1]
Optional rewards  
Start dialog Storage Keeper Raina: Oh my! What should I do? My honey jars have been stolen!
You: Honey jars?
Storage Keeper Raina: Are you kidding me? I'm crushed!
You: I'm sorry.
Storage Keeper Raina: Hello, I am Storage Keeper Raina of Roumen. I secure goods. I hid some high quality honey in the warehouse last night. But when I woke up this morning, it was gone.
You: What happened?
Storage Keeper Raina: When I woke up, I found only the lids. I've been searching everywhere to find the jars. I have a good idea who the burglar is.
You: Who is it?
Storage Keeper Raina: I am not 100% sure, but I found a Honeying wing next to the lids. Can you help me investigate? Could you defeat Honeyings? I would be even more gracious if you could retrieve Honey Jars. Will you please help me?
Reward dialog You: You were right Raina. It was the Honeyings.
Storage Keeper Raina: I knew it!
You: As I was hunting, I found empty Honey Jars next to the Honeying's nests.
Storage Keeper Raina: Thank you. I will definitely share my honey with you and everyone else.

Despicable Little Ones
Description Weapon Title Merchant Zach of Roumen asks you to defeat Little Hobs. (Repeatable Quest)
Starting level 10 Last level 13
Quest type Normal Repeatable no
Starting NPC Weapon Title Merchant Zach Rewarding NPC Weapon Title Merchant Zach
Mobs 5 Little Hob
Fixed rewards 208 Exp
88 Money
1 Return Scroll: Roumen
Optional rewards  
Start dialog Weapon Title Merchant Zach: Ouch! I hope I don't get an infection.
You: Master! Is everything alright? What's with the bandage?
Weapon Title Merchant Zach: A Little Hob attacked me.
You: Little Hobs? No way!
Weapon Title Merchant Zach: It seemed harmless but they tried to steal my lunch and I wouldn't let go of my sandwich. They bit my hand! Those little rascals. Can you goto Sand Beach and defeat Little Hobs for me?
Reward dialog You: Master! I taught those Little Hobs a lesson.

Party Matching System
Description Element Helper Remi will teach you about the Party Matching System. Let's listen to what she have to say.
Starting level 10 Last level 15
Quest type Epic Repeatable no
Starting NPC Element Helper Remi Rewarding NPC Element Helper Remi
Fixed rewards 300 Money
Optional rewards  
Start dialog Element Helper Remi: Hello, [NAME]! How's your adventure going?
You: Hi Remi! It really has been a long time huh? Well... It's bit lonely... Traveling alone. Leveling up... Hunting... Im really having a hard time doing it by myself...
Element Helper Remi: Oh really? Couldn't you ask for help from others?
You: Huh? Oh... well, it's kind of harder that I thought... I mean, my friends and I can't really find a right time to hunt and travel at the same time you know...
Element Helper Remi: I see... Well then, there is a perfect solution for you! Press the F button right now. You see the Community window huh? Do you see the Party Matching button on the top right corner? Click on it.
You: Whoa! I didn't know such feature existed. I can find help through this Party Matching stuff huh?
Element Helper Remi: That's right. With this feature, you can search for any friends near or far. Also, this is very useful for selling and buying items as well. I hope this information was helpful to your quest.
Reward dialog  

The Missing Livestock
Description Town Chief Roumenus of Roumen asks you to defeat Hungry Wolves that devoured Roumen's livestock. (Search Sand Beach)
Starting level 10 Last level 13
Quest type Normal Repeatable no
Prerequisite Party Matching System
Starting NPC Town Chief Roumenus Rewarding NPC Town Chief Roumenus
Mobs 3 Hungry Wolf
Fixed rewards 233 Exp
164 Money
Optional rewards 1 Hungry Wolf Bronze Ring
1 Hungry Wolf Bronze Ring
1 Hungry Wolf Bronze Ring
1 Hungry Wolf Bronze Ring
Start dialog Town Chief Roumenus: Several of Roumen's livestock have disappeared. At first I suspected thieves, but it turns out that it was a pack of Hungry Wolves from Sand Beach. They crept into Roumen during the night.
Town Chief Roumenus: I want you to show the wolves that we will not tolerate their behavior. Defeat Hungry Wolves so they will think twice about stealing from us again.
Reward dialog You: Town Chief Roumenus! Great news! I've defeated Hungry Wolves!
Town Chief Roumenus: Great job! I'm glad I can always count on you. You shall be rewarded for your help.

Is this Estate Enough for You?
Description You have to get Fragrant Grass from the field for Grandpa Robin. (You can get Fragrant Grass from the field.)
Starting level 10 Last level 150
Quest type Epic Repeatable no
Starting NPC Grandpa Robin Rewarding NPC Grandpa Robin
Items 3 Fragrant Grass
Fixed rewards 60 Exp
82 Money
Optional rewards  
Start dialog Grandpa Robin: Oh, my sweet home... Hm? Ouch, my back! I can't sit straight because of the back pain.
You: Ah? Grandpa Robin! Are you okay?
Grandpa Robin: Oh, you are [NAME]. It's fortunate that I met you while I have back pain. Ouch, I can't walk these days because of my back pain. You look free today. Can you get three parts Fragrant Grass for me? There is alot of Fragrant Grass in the field. Ouch, oh my back...
You: Oh my, I'm very busy right now, but you look like you need help, so I will get them.
Grandpa Robin: Oh my! Thank you so much for accepting my request. Ok, hurry up. 3 Fragrant Grass! What are you doing? Hurry up!
Reward dialog You: Robin, why don't you have a seat? Are you still in pain? I've got the Fragrant Grass for you. Hm? Robin, didn't you say you have back pain? But you look fine now...
Grandpa Robin: What? Do I really?
You: You did say that you had back pain and asked me to get herbs for you!!
Grandpa Robin: What are you talking about? I need the Fragrant Grass so that I can make an aromatic.
You: An aromatic? Sheesh... Hm... you always do that to me. Anyway, what are you going to do with an aromatic?
Grandpa Robin: My estate has new wallpaper. A refreshed room makes me feel good even though I'm a grandpa. But I need Fragrant Grass for removing the smell of the gum. Hm, anyway, do you have an estate?
You: An estate? I only have my own mushroom house...
Grandpa Robin: You mean that small mushroom house? You're kidding! Is such a small house enough for you? Ok, I'll give you some tips. Go to 'Elderine' and meet 'Forest Tal'. Did you say where Elderine is? You'll have to find it! When you are ready to go, let me know then.

Is this Estate Enough for You? 2
Description Grandpa Robin wrote a letter that asked to meet 'Forest Tal' in Elderine. You have to go to Elderine and meet 'Forest Tal,' the owner of the furniture shop.
Starting level 10 Last level 150
Quest type Epic Repeatable no
Prerequisite Is this Estate Enough for You?
Starting NPC Grandpa Robin Rewarding NPC Furniture Shop Owner Forest Tal
Items 1 Letter
Fixed rewards 60 Exp
82 Money
Optional rewards  
Start dialog Grandpa Robin: Hm, are you ready to go to Elderine?
You: Yes, I am ready!
Grandpa Robin: Great! Now get going!!
You: Ok, thanks Grandpa Robin, I will see you later!
Grandpa Robin: Wait! I almost forgot, take this letter and show it to 'Forest Tal'. He will help you. Now go!
Reward dialog You: Hello? I'm [NAME]. Grandpa Robin in Roumen sent me to see Forest Tal. I have this letter.
Furniture Shop Owner Forest Tal: Ah, Grandpa Robin. You must be with the Henneath Alliance. Just a moment. I can't stop painting the furniture now.

Is this Estate Enough for You? 3
Description You have to retrieve wood in order for Forest Tal to complete the request. (You can get wood in the field.)
Starting level 10 Last level 150
Quest type Epic Repeatable no
Prerequisite Is this Estate Enough for You? 2
Starting NPC Furniture Shop Owner Forest Tal Rewarding NPC Furniture Shop Owner Forest Tal
Items 1 Wood for making furniture
Fixed rewards 15 Exp
82 Money
Optional rewards  
Start dialog Furniture Shop Owner Forest Tal: Hello, I am Forest Tal of Elderine. I read the letter from Robin. Um... I want to help you, but I have to make furniture now. It seems it might take a while. [NAME] if you could help me out, I'm sure it won't take long.
You: Me? Hm, if it makes the work that much faster, I should help you.
Furniture Shop Owner Forest Tal: Grandpa Robin was right, you are helpful. When you reach the field, you should see some tree stumps. Gather some Wood for making furniture from the field so that I may start working on the furniture. But be careful, the outside of town is dangerous.
Reward dialog You: Tal! Here is the wood for you. Monsters chased me all the way back into town. I was very scared.
Furniture Shop Owner Forest Tal: Good job. Wood is very sacred. But, making the furniture won't take long. Thanks [NAME].

Is this Estate Enough for You? 4
Description It seems that tools are needed to finish the furniture. Could you go to Item Merchant Nina and buy nails and a hammer so that the job can be completed? Go talk to Nina in Elderine.
Starting level 10 Last level 150
Quest type Epic Repeatable no
Prerequisite Is this Estate Enough for You? 3
Starting NPC Furniture Shop Owner Forest Tal Rewarding NPC Item Merchant Nina
Items 1 Wood for making furniture
Fixed rewards 60 Exp
82 Money
Optional rewards  
Start dialog Furniture Shop Owner Forest Tal: Um... I'm in trouble.
You: What? Why?
Furniture Shop Owner Forest Tal: The furniture that was ordered needs to be nailed down.
You: Nailing? You can do that.
Furniture Shop Owner Forest Tal: ......
You: (Oops? Did I make a mistake?) What's the matter?
Furniture Shop Owner Forest Tal: I don't have any tools or nails to nail the furniture...
You: Ah, I see. Is there anything I can do to help?
Furniture Shop Owner Forest Tal: Hm... can you do me another favor? I believe Nina in Elderine sells tools. Can you go buy me some nails and a hammer?
Reward dialog You: Excuse me. Miss Nina... It's me...
Item Merchant Nina: Wow! Long time no see. What are you looking for, [NAME]?
You: I'm looking for some nails and a hammer.
Item Merchant Nina: Oh, that must be Tal's furniture. Hmmm, now where did I place those tools... Oh, here they are, let me know when you're ready to purchase them!

Is this Estate Enough for You? 5
Description You have to purchase nails and a hammer from Nina.
Starting level 10 Last level 150
Quest type Epic Repeatable no
Prerequisite Is this Estate Enough for You? 4
Starting NPC Item Merchant Nina Rewarding NPC Item Merchant Nina
Items 1 Nail
1 Hammer
Fixed rewards 60 Exp
82 Money
Optional rewards  
Start dialog Item Merchant Nina: You can buy nails and a hammer from me. It is the same as purchasing an item.
Reward dialog Item Merchant Nina: Thank you! Come back again!

Is this Estate Enough for You? 6
Description Let's talk with Forest Tal, the owner of the furniture shop.
Starting level 10 Last level 150
Quest type Epic Repeatable no
Prerequisite Is this Estate Enough for You? 5
Starting NPC Item Merchant Nina Rewarding NPC Furniture Shop Owner Forest Tal
Items 1 Wood with nailing
Fixed rewards 60 Exp
82 Money
Optional rewards  
Start dialog Item Merchant Nina: You should hurry back to Tal. Goodbye.
Reward dialog You: Here is the wood.
Furniture Shop Owner Forest Tal: Ah, thank you. The wood says thank you too.
You: It's my pleasure.
Furniture Shop Owner Forest Tal: [NAME], take this.
You: Hm? That's an invisible key.
Furniture Shop Owner Forest Tal: Yes, it is A Key of Space. Take this key and go back to Robin. Robin can help you unlock your estate with that key. The reason that he sent you to me is that he wanted to know if you were qualified to have the key or not. This key is a relic of my ancestors. I used it for the storage of furniture and for storing young plants. Also, I store the seeds of fruit with this key. Now, it is yours.
You: I see. Thank you, Tal. This must be very useful.

Is this Estate Enough for You? 7
Description Let's go back to Robin with the Key of Space that you got from Tal.
Starting level 10 Last level 150
Quest type Epic Repeatable no
Prerequisite Is this Estate Enough for You? 6
Starting NPC Furniture Shop Owner Forest Tal Rewarding NPC Grandpa Robin
Fixed rewards 1 Making Estate
60 Exp
80 Money
Optional rewards  
Start dialog Furniture Shop Owner Forest Tal: Now, go back to Robin and take this key.
Furniture Shop Owner Forest Tal: Are you leaving now?
Reward dialog You: Robin...
Grandpa Robin: Hm? Who is calling me? Who are you?
You: Oh my god, Robin, it's me, [NAME].
Grandpa Robin: Hm? [NAME]? Ah, yes, you are. Then, what's the matter?
You: You sent me to see Forest Tal. I just came from there. Tal gave this to me. (Show the key to Robin.)
Grandpa Robin: Hm? Did he give this to you? Hm... I never imagined he'd give it to you. Hm, what a nuisance! Give it to me. Hm, ok, I will help you. (He leaves for a moment...) Hm... Why am I annoyed in this hot weather? Oh my...
You: Ah, if you are tired, you can take a rest...
Grandpa Robin: Hm, I don't want to do this. Here it is, take this Scroll. This is a piece of cake. Don't bother me. Now go away. Hm... I'm tired. I want to go to bed.