June 14, 2020


The following information was extracted directly from QuestData.shn, and is provided as-is.

If you find any errors or inconsistencies, contact me at fqdb22@gmail.com, or leave a reply below.

The database is valid only for Fiesta NA version!

Note: promotion quests (levels 1, 20, 60, 100, 125) are not listed in the database


  1. This is amazing <3

    1. O.O my 1st comment ;) Thanks, much appreciated.

      Be sure to check the forum in next weeks - I'm preparing a small event with nice rewards for the 1st anniversary of the site!

  2. Just FYI the 110-115 dungeon quests exp rewards have been nerfed last night

  3. Better than wiki <3 Keep it up ~ imma spread ur blog to Cypion Server^^


    1. Thanks a lot! You'd be amazed how many players still don't know about this site...

  4. Thanks so much for this awesome database, for all the work done so far and especially for your quickness to update! Keep going !

    An anonymous that always has the database open when lvling his alts! xD

  5. Great collection of Quest information Thank you very much for sharing this with the community.

    btw. what tools are used to get the info out of the files ?

    1. Hi, I use a modified "iQuest" application, which is written in C#. The original source code was released by its author on Kryptodev forums a couple of years ago (unfortunately the site does not operate anymore).

  6. Quest Update for you.
    Baby Steps and More Baby Steps gives 2 experience to Fighter, Archer, and Trickster.
    7 experience for Mages and Clerics.

    1. Hi, there are several other class-related quests that are intentionally left out of the database, as it is not possible to display them in an efficient manner. This includes all promotion quests at levels 1, 20, 60 & 100, and a few others.

  7. Idk if you already know but the lv 88 quest: Why Are You So Angry? is bugged.
    It says Start NPC Slime, but it should be Kassandra, even so Kassandra has no quest if you go to her. so you can start the whole chain of all these quests following this one.

    I hope it get fixed soon :C

    1. sorry typo: "can't start the whole chain"

    2. Yes, thanks, I know about it, and I left it in the database simply because I thought OS will fix it soon (:rolleyes: lol). If it's not fixed with the next patch, I will remove the whole chain so it won't cause any confusion.

    3. fix with next patch? doubt that will happen :D
      well id like to see some archer "fix" first xD

  8. Bad Guys 1 is bugged at the moment too. It has been about two months and they haven't fixed it... Which is a shame because we lose out on almost 4 million experience :(

    1. I see. Thanks for info, I'm gonna keep those quests in the database nevertheless. It's remarkable how they just ignore all such simple problems. Yea I know they're not game-breaking issues, but still such attitude reveals a lot about their development process... And sorry for late reply, been out of town for Christmas :)

  9. This database is amazing.
    You're right, not a lot of people know about this. I'm bookmarking it :D

    1. Thanks! Maybe I should advertise more... :P

  10. Great site. I always use it :)

    Now a question coud bloger also be used to make a wiki? Im not good with blogs so... but was thinking of seting one up since the one we have its outdated and just to old

    1. Hmm, not sure about wiki, as I never made one. Are you talking about Fiestafan wiki? I guess you could do it on Blogger too - you can use pages instead of posts, and then crosslink those pages. Or you can use normal posts, and then just configure your site so it does not display them on front page (this is how I do it). But it would still be better to use some special wiki software, as it would make things easier to handle.

    2. I see, thanks for the info il look out a bit then decide but i wanted to use blogger since i like it alot :)

  11. Please tell me that the site isnt 'dead' as the latest Update is still missing q.q

    1. Not dead at all! It's just I've been very busy this week with another project of mine, and I forgot to check the latest FONA zzz... Thanks for the bump, I will update it later today.

    2. Glad to know you're still active, I would have been lost without your precious and accurate work.. thank you again! :)

  12. New exp/money for fog bats quest, now 110-115

  13. Excellent job!

    Can you make another database for EU version of the game? FiestaFan wiki is very outdated and recently Gamigo add many new quests for higher levels.

    1. Well I downloaded the client and checked the file structure. Found out that my program works OK with EU data, so this could actually be doable. However I still need to do some more tests. Stay tuned!

    2. Cool! Thank you very much in advancce!

      BTW: Put some small advertisement on your site. I make $100 each month from my 2 blogs. I think nobody will object to watch ADs for such great and free information!

    3. Never thought of that lol. Thanks for the tip! Mind telling me how many pageviews you have to get such amount per month?

    4. Sorry, The big G does not like sharing this information in public.

      But I can point out, that most people I read in forums about having tech blogs gain around $0.50 - $1.00 per 1000 views.

      Not a miracle, but you will still get some payment for your work.

    5. Well, a very specific content combined with a with diminishing player base... it's not like I was expecting a gold pit anyway. :P

  14. this is a very awesone website!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. First of all, thank u so much 4 this wonderfull job Xoxo !!!

    I just want 2 know how to get the mimic repeated quest since I was grinding all the time and now I don't have this quest !

    1. There are several pre-quests to Mimic's Box 2. Go to http://fqdb.blogspot.com/2011/06/list-of-quests-for-levels-91-to-100.html#2074, and then just follow back all prerequisites till you find the one you can actually pick up.

  16. Hi, saw your post and find it very helpful as we are also involved in Database appending and Mailing Database

  17. Gracias por compartir tu blog con nosotros, me ha encantado.

  18. Would you mind sharing some details about the file format itself?

    1. Actually I didn't write the file parser myself, I'm using some code I found on the net long time ago. I know enough to fix it when file structure changes, but there are parts of the code I still don't quite understand (although to be honest, I never really tried hard to learn as it just did what I needed :P)

    2. Was any kind of license included? Many open source licenses allow you to redistribute the code. If so, you could publish it on a Github repo.

  19. One question is that a quest list for the normal fiesta online with the publisher gamigo now or are that the database for the NA server?

    1. The database is for NA version of Fiesta (ex Outspark).

  20. New Quests coming out this patch - just for Info :D

  21. New quest now 96-114 http://fiesta.gamigo.com/us/forum/board10-news-events/board12-news-announcements/30423-fona-weekly-something-only-moderators-can-feel/ Update as soon as possible please :D

    1. Also, some of the pre-existing quest's EXP was changed as well. People were saying that the Black Bears, Fire Shellas & Neps repeats were changed.

      Black Bear Beatdown (Repeatable Quest) [102 ~ 105] - Was 4,083,015 EXP; 41 Silver 800 Copper
      Updated to 4,900,000 EXP; 41 Silver 800 Copper

      Playing with Fire (Repeatable Quest) [106 ~ 108] - Was 8,042,284 EXP; 51 Sliver 864 Copper
      Updated to 9,651,000 EXP; 51 Sliver 864 Copper

      I don't have info on the Neps repeat as I'm not up there yet to get that quest.

  22. Capraise is on its way btw..... up to level 125

    Please update quick when its released that we can plan our leveling :D
    Nephilims give now about 10M exp btw.

    1. Thanks for the heads up mate. And "Collecting Twister Crystals" repeatable already shows 10M exp - or do you mean some other quest?

  23. 23rd of october capraise to 125 :)

  24. Cap raise tonight
    Be ready to update Q_Q

  25. Someone posted this on the forums. It's the Germany Version of the new quests from 115-124.

  26. Another note. "The experience required to level up was lowered for all levels 111-115." Was posted on the forums by the Community Manager.

  27. Here are EXP values for 115 and 116. I have the exact one for 116, and a rough one for 115.

    115: 6.5bil

    116: 7,563,701,284

    I'll reply to this post with the real 115 value and the 117 value when I find em.

  28. 118-119 : 8,823,802,728

  29. 115-116 : 6,510,549,575

  30. I can't find the client file that contains data for required EXP, and I rely on your input to update the database. So thanks guys, just keep posting as you level up :)

  31. 9,437,036,135 for 119-120

  32. Well, I have a 112 screenshot of the before and after the change for the EXP. Screenshot

    It was 3,900,087,237 EXP before maintenance and now it requires 3,362,144,169 EXP to get to 113.

  33. at 116 u need 7,563,701,284 XP

  34. Check if this can help you to complete the details you're missing for the last levels: http://nukem-fiesta.de/PagelsInvasion/de/level115.html
    It's the German quest database created for the Pagel expansion, but I believe the data are the same for NA!

    1. Hey, thanks for the link, but it does not have the info I need - "Verfügbare Erfahrung" means "EXP available", and I already have that. What I don't have yet is "EXP required" for all new levels. Also, that layout looks suspiciously similar, don't ya think so? ;)

  35. Need 2,707,040,394 for 111-112. 10,050,275,542 for 120-121.

  36. Level 117: 8,099,843,693 EXP

  37. Need : 10,579,237,412 at 121 to hit 122

  38. Quest EXP revised for Levels 118-125 in next patch :P

  39. New quest coming out tonight 9 new ones, can you check to see if any are repeat and exp on them? :D

  40. Can you check on quest for 115-120 again? On the EU quest database it seems all the 115-120 quest got a huge boost in exp last patch and i cant tell if this is true or not

  41. Thanks for this awesome database :)

  42. Are you sure the Seized adealia repeat is 107m?

    1. No I'm not sure, but that's what is in the client files.

  43. Quest level 90-125 being changes tonight ^^

  44. Well done this must have taken hours of work and it has helped me quite a bit getting to 105 Thanks

  45. Thank you very much for this. Currently working on a project completing ALL available quests. This would not possible without this page.

  46. New quest to add for new 120-125 instance

  47. Last weeks patch: 4/28/2015 - The quests "Blue Magic Stones 1" and "Blue Magic Stones 2" have been made available for players above level 110. The Estate Quests have been made available for all players above level 10. The quest "We can do anything together" (fame KQ quest) has been made available for players above level 115.

  48. Information is nice and good but it seems to be something is missing.all the categories got the same specifications and it still requires some more new things to be shown to the world.


  49. Hi do you have any info on previous event quests?

  50. Hey, awesome guide, but i noticed that level 9 is missing in the list ^^'

    1. Hi, level 9 is not missing, you just don't get new quests when you reach it.

  51. Tower of Iyzel 9th Floor - Level 25 (Ripped Pages quest) is missing. I can provide a screenshot of the quest if desired.

  52. New quest exp boost and quest requiements changes so please update =D

  53. Really useful site, thanks for putting all the effort into creating this! :D

  54. There was an update for several quests / quest chains this patch.

  55. There are some quest that is not posted in the list.

    1. Well thanks for input, but it's ... kinda unhelpful. Care to elaborate?

    2. ok my character is at level 92 atm and i have some quest on mine that i did not found on the list here, here are some of the quest i have but not on the list:

      lvl 85
      no bride?
      charity event 1

      lvl 87
      Light and Shadow Song 2-7

      lvl 88
      carol's advise
      the hunter's union: crystal sword
      the hunter's union: warm up 1
      an old letter 1-3

      lvl 90
      crystal guardian's eye 1
      cursed knights the blacksmith 1

      .. i did not check the other level range and i think there are still some quest is missing. Thanks!! hope it will help a little xD

    3. Did you pick up those quests before or after the latest patch?

    4. ...and by latest I mean the one from June 29, which had a lot of quest changes.

    5. yeah i just picked up those quest 2 days ago.

    6. im checking quest then suddenly ohh they are already fixed lol tysm!!

    7. Hi i can't find cursed knights the blacksmith 1 Quest ?
      Is it linked to some other Quests ? I'm Lvl 90 but I can't accept the quest.

    8. Sorry can't help you with that, try asking the forum or tech support (keep in mind that this site is for NA version only).

  56. 135 cap, new quest now

  57. Hi
    first i wanted to thank you for this database. Amazing Work.
    I have a question.Is it possible to mark the quests where not available in Fiesta EU?
    I know it's a lot off work but many EU Players looking for Help with Quests on your site but they are confused because some Quests are missing.

    1. Adding EU data to current database would be a bit of a problem, and it would be actually much easier to just set up a separate EU quests site. Unfortunately I have no time nor willpower for such a project. It's been many many years since I stopped playing Fiesta, and I only maintain this site out of nostalgia (can't deny I had some bloody good times there).

      But if you know how to write code (or know someone who does), I'd gladly share the original program (without my Blogger modifications) - it's more than enough to get you started (I think EU files have the same structure as NA files, but I never checked). If interested, pm me at fqdb22@gmail.com

  58. Wow im amazed this is still up, even the game for that matter.

  59. There are some new quests been added


  60. thanks for the site dude, havent played the game for a longie and came back to it and its not that bad, site helps a lot

  61. Anyone know if this is still accurate in 2020?

    1. Yea, I'd like to know that too... ;) If you play NA servers, you can send me some files and I can check it out, but no promises - if they changed internal file structure, I won't bother much with updating my app. I need ItemInfo.shn, MobInfo.shn, QuestData.shn and QuestDialog.shn. Cheers!

    2. If you want, I have the most recent ones saved as a Google Drive Folder - I can email it to you?

  62. Hey dude, just want to let you know I really appreciate your work :) been using it since 2012 and the fact that you're still interacting with it (last reply was August 13th at time of writing) is really admirable! If you still play, I hope I get to interact with you in game!

  63. This is really awesome, thank you so so so much for your work. You're truly the best.

  64. Don't play fiesta anymore but it still warms my heart seeing somebody this invested in the game, doing a whole website just for quests. I appreciate your work a lot! Happy Holidays!

  65. They've added a lot more low level Quests, but otherwise it's still very accurate.. better than just guessing haha
